Given the imminent release of Star Trek into Darkness, actress Zoe Saldana appeared on “The Jonathan Ross Show” in promotion of said film. Wossy couldn’t help but ask about the upcoming sequels Avatar 2 and Avatar 3, with the first of these expected to hit the big screen in 2015.
Saldana openly confessed that both sequels would be filmed at the same time because, if not, she would probably be in her late 40s by the time part three gets made.
A few weeks ago the producer of both sequels, Jon Landau, spoke out about the films stating that the digital team from the original Avatar had been kept on to test underwater performance capture for the sequels. Laundau said they had no problems digitally simulating water but that the team were trying to get their heads around simulating the actors so they needed to perform a number of capture tests with actors in tanks.
Despite Saldana spilling the beans with Ross, there is still no word of the plot as the scripts are still being developed by James Cameron. Nor has a date been finalised as to when the films will go into production.
We’ll keep you posted as soon as news emerges.