Warner Bros. and New Line Cinema turned their back on Dumb & Dumber To last week regardless of the fact that both leading lads from the original, Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels, had been tapped to reprise their roles under the direction of original directors Bobby & Peter Farrelly. In the bat of an eyelid Universal Pictures and Red Granite Pictures must have seen the follies in that decision as they have already picked up the sequel, expected to start shooting this Autumn with a view towards releasing the film next year.
After the massive let down last week must have been, the Farrelly directors appeared ecstatic posting the celebratory news on Twitter:
IT”S OFFICIAL: Dumb and Dumber To is going into production with @RedGranitePics and @UniversalPics!!! #DumbTo P pic.twitter.com/uS8UIXSRj4
— Farrelly Brothers (@farrellybros) June 18, 2013
So who let slip that the film could be shot so soon then? Well, The Hollywood Reporter‘s own Borys Kit would be to blame for that and we thank him for his tweet:
Sources say DUMB AND DUMBER TO could start shooting by early fall and be released next year, which would be the 20th anni of the original.
— Borys Kit (@Borys_Kit) June 19, 2013
Were you happy to see the back of this project or are you glad to see the Dumb and Dumber team back for second helpings?